A brand experience that reinforces trust in

A brand experience that reinforces trust in 

chilton capital management

people, performance & processes

Creating financial experiences you can feel confident in.

Chilton Capital Management had seen a lot of internal change since their founding 25 years ago.  Through management changes, acquisitions, and an expanding team, they found themselves without a cohesive culture and understanding of “who we are” and “who we want to be”. With a talented team of 25+ employees and over $2 Billion in AUM, Chilton wanted to continue to expand their client base, but realized they could not do that without a recognizable and cohesive brand. 

reconnecting with who we are

Brand Strategy
Brand Messaging
Brand Design
Web Design
Event Curation

Brand Strategy
Brand Messaging
Brand Design
Web Design
Event Curation
Employee Activation
Internal Workshops
Internal Communication Campaigns
PR Campaigns
Digital Marketing Strategy
Content Strategy

the project

elevating the experience of chilton capital management

Chilton Capital Management entered into a 10+ month partnership with the GT Studio to rebuild the Chilton brand from the inside out. We took advantage of our “blank slate” to rebrand Chilton Capital Management, establishing brand consistency and recognition both internally and externally. The primary objectives for this project were for each employee to be able to confidently discuss the Chilton Capital Management brand, for the client experience to be elevated and consistent, and for the Chilton name to become well-known around the Houston marketplace. 

shaping the 2.0 culture of the brand

Employee Activation
Internal Workshops
Internal Communication Campaigns
PR Campaigns
Digital Marketing Strategy
Content Strategy

a fusion between corporate and casual

The Chilton 2.0 brand identity was designed to elevate the visual experience of the brand to match the company's growth and evolution. The three tiers of the Chilton brand icon represent the company's commitment to providing exceptional client experiences, reinforcing trust in three key areas: People, Performance and Process.

digital experiences for the chilton brand

The evolution of the Chilton brand was supported by a complete revamp of the brand's digital experience. The GT Studio team led the development of two websites for Chilton, giving each branch of the business a cohesive, yet distinct online experience.

Driven by an unwavering commitment to client experience, Chilton is more than a partner in the financial journey—we are purveyors of trust and preservers of wealth, fostering influential investment experiences that shape the financial legacies of individuals, institutions, and families.

defining the chilton standard of excellence

As Chilton entered into a 2.0 era, the company's goal was to achieve a multi-generational appeal, infusing more casual experiences into an otherwise corporate setting. The GT Studio team led the creative direction behind the brand's visual experience, curating guidelines for photography, videography, stock imagery, and event design. 

creative direction for the chilton brand
